Written by Daniel Masese on July 25, 2024
Eleven Goalkeepers Cannot Birth Triumphs:
These are mental, physical, social and spiritual berths drawn from all the four cardinal points, under the sun, here on the planet earth.
They are refurbished to the innermost core aircrafts cruising through the life’s facets and airspaces.
They are the ideal jetties armed to the tooth with the most latest state-of-the-art technological driven jetliners with the cutting edge abilities, capabilities, gifts, influence, talents, temples, territories, time and treasures.
(I). Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence:
- These are individuals who are adept at body’s movements, performing actions and physical controls.
- They are excellent in psychomotor skills.
- They are dexterous.
- Motor control and physical movements are their strengths.
- They are skilled in dancing and sports.
- They enjoy creating things by their own hands.
- They have excellent physical co-ordination.
- They remember by doing not hearing or seeing.
Their ideal careers are, however not limited to:
Acrobats, actors, actresses, athletes, athletic trainers, artisans, builders, circus performers, craftspersons, curators, dancers, martial artists, mechanics, physical therapists, stunt performers and surgeons.
(II). Existential Intelligence:
- Ability to delve deeper into mind boggling questions on the importance of life, death and the life thereafter.
- How can our actions and speeches server more larger than life objectives.
- It is the ability to visualize the bigger picture.
- They consider how current actions influence future outcomes.
- They possess long-term outlook.
- They possess and question the meaning of life and death.
- They care and get concerned on others’ mental, physical, social and spiritual affairs.
- They possess the ability to see situations from an outside perspective.
The ideal careers are, however not limited to:
Academic researchers, artists, authors, counsellors, creators, ethicists, life coach, pastors, pastoral counsellors, philosophers, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, theologians and writers.
(III). Interpersonal Intelligence:
- These are individuals who are adept at understanding and interacting with every Tom, Dick and Harry drawn from all the four cardinal points under the sun here on planet earth.
- They are proficient at assessing desires, emotions, intentions and motivations of those engulfing them.
- They understand and relate well with others.
- They are skilled in nonverbal communication.
- They create positive relationships with others.
- They communicate well verbally.
- They resolve groups’ settings conflicts.
- They view situations from different perspectives.
The ideal careers are, however not limited to:
Clients’ Services Representative, coach, conflicts’ resolution specialist, counsellors, educator, human resources specialist, manager, marketing specialists, mediator, politicians, philosophers, psychologists, public relations specialists, salesperson, social workers, teachers, team’s leader, therapists and trainers.
By Professor and Philosopher Daniel Masese.