Who Watches Over The Watchmen?
Written by Daniel Masese on June 28, 2024
Immersed in your jejune embraces, I find mine anchor;
Your pulse palpating, heart- throbbing, penetrative voice is mine pukka, smudges and veneer void north;
You trained me to be intrepid and refurbished my aspirations mentally, physically, socially and spiritually.
your joyous laughters reverberate in my being,
You are the epitome of warmth and care to all and sundry;
In straits, your strength catapults me,
You are the beacon of light.
Distance, times, tides and vagaries elapse;
Your affection, affirmation, attention and love are indelible and ever affluent rife in ever green foliage.
MashaAllah! Alhamdulillahi!
Seasons elapse, your spirit remains the steamroller mountain’s zenith;
You are the nature’s rhythm and rhyme via all glass and shadows;
When straits rage boisterously, the skies turn jet black, dark and gloomy,
You are the pavilion, you are the dawn in midnight;
All around the clock, you are the sunrise.
Hope’s seeds did you sow, dancing daffodils you were,
The prolific deeds and words were you the forest,
The dulcet ebb and the calm, cool, composed and collected were your gems and pearls in wisdom.
Snappiest oak tree defying the swirls of life you were.
Mentally, physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually were you deeply rooted more than the camphor’s roots.
Coal pitch kangaroos’ courts teaming up with the dark chambers of pessimism and despair were transformed into the symphony of hope and life courtesy of your presence and presents.
From whence comet such?
Alhamdulillahi! MashaAllah!
Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are vividly reminded today that the family is the most important.
Me and thee are called upon to recognize and honour how critical every father is to that function.
Undeniably they are, however not limited to being the: advisors, coaches, teachers and trainers. They are managers, mentors and models.
They are epitomes of successes mentally, physically, socially and spiritually and they are the intrepid and mellifluous men who candidly, coherently, completely, consistently, constantly, constructively, creatively and credibly catapult me and thee towards growth and progressions all round the clock; for love or for war and come rain, come sunshine.
Regrettably, peradventure me and thee make up our minds and be more honest than a dog, more open than the pique and more straight than a ramrod; admittedly me and thee shall make the clean breast of it that incalculable “fathers” are suffering from MIA Syndrome, the Missing In Action Syndrome; missing from too many homes and too many lives.
Brazenly they have abdicated from their blessed, endowed, leased and etched deeply Divine duties and responsibilities.
Persnickety nests are feeling the abandonment of flotsam and jetsam.
The families’ foundations are left rickety grounded courtesy of them taking the French leave; just a whistle is sufficient enough to bring them to a cropper with an auditory nerves, earth wrecking, thunderous and torrent thud puh!; characteristically like a hamlet erected on packs of cards.
Admittedly: me and thee must aware fathers that accountability and responsibilities do not graduate and reach their zenith at conception; inevitably we need to aware them that what constitutes to a man is not the ability, capability and capacity to have skysnogging children globally.
It is the grabbing the sword of Damoscles, obliterating the Gordian knot; birthing, breeding, naturing, nurturing, harnessing, honing, pruning and refurbishing to the innermost core their offsprings.
Admittedly, at the personal level: I know the toll that being the single parent it took on my late ne plus ultra Mum.
How ardently and arduously via the skin of the teeth she eked out to foot all the incessant mental, physical, social and spiritual insatiable needs and mushrooming wants.
Needless to mention: to bestow upon us the endowments that other children had; to double play the mother and the father’s duties, responsibilities and roles; the pilot and the co-pilot she was.
I know the toll that it took upon my one brother, two sisters not being wooden bespectacled three nieces and one daughter to mine niece.
I resolved that it is my obligation, my custodianship to expunge that detrimental cycle hook, line and sinker.
The only aspiration reigning over me lock, stock and barrel is to aspire to inspire before I expire; to be the most vertex dad, father, mentor and role model to mine daughters.
Any stewardship role that I have to play and erect in its every cranny, every crevice and every nook is to erect for mine daughters that steamroller, affluent with ever- green foliage bedrock foundation.
That is the meritorious foundation upon which every mental, physical, social and spiritual endeavour lives and thrives seamlessly.
Openly as the pique in the broad daylight, that is the dexterous gift that I can and shall bequeath mine daughters. Those are our exquisite and ultimate responsibilities bestowed, etched, endowed and leased upon me and thee the father and dad in the four cardinal points under the sun.
Forget not that parent means:
Personal Friend
Natures and nurtures and
We try. We hope. Hope stands for:
We do what we can; with what we have; where we are and shall GOD willing shall be. Do what you can, with what you have and where you are, goes the maxim courtesy of Mr. Squire Bill Widener of the Widener’s Valley in Virginia: the Confederate Soldier, Justice of the Peace, Millwright, Spiritual Advisor, Sunday School’s Superintendent and Teacher.
Direly, all round the clock me and thee need to erect our hamlets upon the steamroller Rock.
When the boisterous winds come; when the inundation envelopes our children like a clandestinely domiciled contagion and vermin and vehemently beat against our and their hamlets; we all keep our faith in the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD.
Undeniably the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD shall sufficiently, philanthropically and unreservedly:
Gird our minds;
Guard our hearts and
Guide our lifestlyes.
The ALMIGHTY LORD GOD shall keep vigilance over HIS own more that jocund juveniles keeping vigilance over corn fields.
Conserve me and you;
Perceive me and you;
Watch over me and you and lead me and you from the jet black, dark and gloomy Easter Friday to the lustrous , smudges and veneer void triumphant Easter Sunday.
Out of muck, gems and pearls are birthed.
That is my dyed-in-the-wool, all round the clock and voracious prayer.
That is my ravenous orison on this pulchritudinous Global Fathers’ Day.
That is my dyed-in-the-wool hope at mine home and thine homes.
May there be betterment at all: academic, administrative, civil, commercial, corporate, cultural, Divine, private, public and social spaces.
It is my pleasure, leisure with neither ominous nor palpable pressure beckoning to beseech the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD to bless me and thee mentally, physically, socially and spiritually during this copaceptic Global Fathers’ Day and forever more.
Drawing needs not be the bones of art; however skills must incessantly be the skeleton of accomplishments.
Few minds wear out; more rust out.
Pity the home where everyone is the head.
Sad is the home where the hen crows and the cock is more dead silent than a grave.
By Professor and Philosopher Daniel Masese.