who is the man behind karuas interfeared rally in kisii
Written by munika remjuice on July 1, 2022
Karuas women rally was interfered with after teargas was lobbed in the midst of a crowd causing discomfort, which made everyone vacate the Gusii, stadium on Thursday of 30th June.But who is behind all this?
“Kisii is always a peaceful place and today we won’t wash our dirty linen before our visitors”, These are the first words that came out of Simba the gubernatorial aspirant after he took the podium. Did the words hit dead ears? It wasn’t long before the tear gas commotion was experienced. Martha Karua the Azimio deputy president-designate had just taken the podium a few seconds before the teargas was lobbed into the air disbursing people. she was seen boarding her vehicle and left before addressing her supporters. This made the whole crowd leave the stadium immediately.The trouble is said to have started after supporters of Ongwae clashed with those of Simba Arati.The two are said to have political differences concerning the successor of the gubernatorial seat.The seating mp Richard Onyonka had earlier on taken to the streets with his supporters and addressed his crowd with Simba Arati after which they made their way to the stadium and accessed it which had earlier on filtered men from accessing it, police enforcing the law.The seating mp is in full support of Simba as the next governor, The decision that is not invited by the current governor Ongwae. National Police Service now says they have arrested a police officer believed to be behind the teargas explosion that prematurely ended the Azimio rally .karua and mama Ida Odinga had opened several projects in Kisii including the gender-based violence centre before she proceeded to the stadium. Ida Odinga left earlier and wasn’t at the stadium.
In a statement, police say preliminary investigations have brought one person to book.
“NPS wishes to inform the public that preliminary investigation into the discharge of the teargas at the public meeting presided over by Martha Karua has established that the person responsible for the incident is a police officer.”
The police boss in Kisii also confirmed the arrest of the police involved in naming him.“Josephat Makori of Kisii Police Station was at the scene in civilian clothes and was not deployed there, is the one who dropped the teargas canister. This was witnessed by members of the public who beat him up accusing him of why he was spoiling their meeting. He was rescued by fellow police officers,” said police.
The police officer has been taken to Kisumu where he will face judgement on Friday. He was earlier detained in the Kisii police centre immediately after the incident happened.
Governor Ongwae has condemned the act and has promised that justice will be done and whoever was involved in the act won’t be spared at all for he will face the wrath. Investigations are underway to nab more culprits who went further throwing stones at public vehicles and the Azimios convoy that was speeding out of the stadium. Two people were injured as the stampede was experienced leaving the chairs at the stadium broken.No death case has been reported so far. Women from different parts of the country have also condemned the act with the strongest terms ever and they are calling for enough security as they hold their rallies in different counties.