Written by on July 2, 2024


“It is chiefly through education that children, men and women shall be: artistic, creative, idealistic, imaginative, imagineer, innovative, paradoxical, pliable, productive, rationale, social and spiritual thinkers of themselves and other selves and not merely, mediocre and raw-baked reflectors of other men’s and women’s thoughts.” The Trailblazer Ellen Gould Harmon White.

Eager minds in questing flights,
Embrace the learning, relearning, unlearning and seeking the light.
Each word a spark, each thought a fire,
Expanding horizons, reaching the highest.

Education’s gentle ebb and hand extend,
Elevates the soul; transcends mentally, physically, socially and spiritually;
Enriched by knowledge, broad and deep,
Empowered hearts in wisdom steep.

Endless pathways, minds unfurled,
Eternal quest, this learning world.
Embrace the gift, let minds ignite,
Enlightened souls, empowered might.

Education, the key to future’s doors,
Enlightens hearts forevermore.

“Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of low-range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by the pupils and the students. Patients die at the hands of such “Medical Doctors”; edifices and skyscrapers come to a cropper like a hamlet erected by a pack of cards at the hands of such “Architects”; “Engineers” and “Physical Planners”; bergs are incalculably lost at the hands of such “Accountants” and “Economists”; humanity dies at the hands of such “Religious Sages” and “Religious Scholars” and justice is lost at the hands of such “Judges”. The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation”. At the entrance gate of the University of South Africa by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and South African President Nelson Henry Gadla Mphakanyiswa Madiba Tata Mandela.


The Ingredients Of The Ideal Education:

(I). Daring  Methodologies: skills churned out should enable the cohorts of recipients to be able to intrepidly solve past, present and future problems. Education is not the filling to the rails of pails; but the lighting of the cosmic mental, physical, social and spiritual candles, edifices and facets.

These are the skills to be instilled in learners:

  • Attitude Skills: a servant’s heart, both positive and persistent.
  • Equipping Skills: the ability to train and develop others for mental, physical, psychological, social and spiritual others’ services.
  • Leadership Skills: the ability to cast visions, direct teams, empower others and plan strategies and tactics. Leadership hinges on: discomfort, disruption and dissatisfaction.
  • People’s Skills: intra and inter-personal skills; communication skills; delegation, confronting and motivational skills and nitty gritty.

(II). Decisive Messages: 

Gauge: if we can bridle the tongue, we can successfully bridle the entire body. The tongue is the gauge of maturity. Learners should be able to prudently and wisely utilize their tongues. Kind and soft words are short; however their echoes endure indelibly and for life. Memory is more endurable than ink.

Gird: blessings and curses are in the tongue. Right paths should be directed by the learners’ tongues.

Guard: the secrets concealed in the well of the heart are unleashed by the open as the pique bucket of the tongue. Learners’ tongues should safeguard integrity and identity. Crass should never make an inroad into the class and enjoy the glass.

Guide: the tongue is the horses’ bit; the kindling wood and the ship’s rudder. Words and knowledge set things in motion. If learners wisely utilize them, successful lives are harnessed.

Sow a word and you reap a thought; sow a thought and you reap an act; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow your character and you reap your destiny. Courtesy of the American Essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Words furnish tools and resources; thanks to Isaiah 55:10.

Words get the results; courtesy of Isaiah 55:10.

Words meet needs; thanks to Isaiah 55:10.

Words perform HIS will; courtesy of Isaiah 55:11.

Words satisfy the hearers’ souls; tanks to Isaiah 55:12.


(III). Deep Principles: accountability, ether, equality, equity, integrity, justice, productivity, sacrifices, savings, security, services, solidarity, stretches, sufferings, transparency and truthfulness should be instilled and practised in deeds and words by learners. Emotions are wonderful servants, however poor leaders. Principles not emotions must reign over leaders. The head must reign over the body through the chest.

“No terminal logical inexactitudes(lies) can live forever, “Scottish Author and Historian during the Victorian era, Mr. Thomas Carlyle.

“Truth crushed to earth shall rise; the eternal years of the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD are HIS; however error wounded; writhes in acerbity and dies in HIS worshippers,” American Poet and long-time seasoned Editor in the New York Evening Post, Mr. William Cullen Bryant. 

“No man and no woman is an island. The tide that filleth every man and every woman is a piece of the continent; a part and parcel of the main. Any child’s, man’s and woman’s demise diminishes me because I am involved in all mankind. Therefore it is not to know whom the bell tolleth, it tolleth for thee. Somehow, we must be dawned into that pluralistic, interrelated society that we are all tied together in a single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable network of mutuality,” English Poet John Donne.

The most striking aspect of the narrative featuring the intrepid Rip Van Winkle is not merely that Rip slept at the tender age of only twenty years; but that he died through a revolution.

Courtesy of the Fireside Poet Mr. Henry Wadsword Longfellow, me and you are advised that“In this world: a man and a woman must either be an anvil or a hammer. We must be hammers shaping spick and span societies rather than anvils molded by the archaic and obsolete.”

(IV). Deliberate Missions: the only way that we can lead and live is if we can grow; the only way that we can grow is if we can change; the only way that we can change is only if we can learn, relearn and unlearn; the only way that we can learn, relearn and unlearn is only if we are exposed and that only way that we are exposed is only if we throw ourselves into the open. Blessed are the flexible for neither shall they be shaped nor shipped out of all the life’s facets. The turnpike to success is voraciously under construction. Be fat: faithful, available, teachable. 

(V). Developing Ministries:  

Sports oil social cohesion, health, reintegration, diplomacy and peace. It unifies cultures, faiths, creeds, jurisdictions and languages. President Nelson Henry Gadla Mphakanyiswa Tata Madiba Mandela utilized the sports’ power during the 1995 World Rugby Cup after the defeat of apartheid to unite the South Africans.

In 2005, no sooner had he successfully led his country Ivory Coast into the 2006 FIFA World’s Cup; than the rad striker Didier Drogba teaming up with his teammates successfully appealed to their countrymen and women to lay down arms and spell a fag end to the civil war.

Sports birth, herald and usher economic prosperity, co-existence and harmonious living in crime-riddled communities. Many of the sports’ cream of creation stemming from Jamaica, hail from humble strata.

Education should catalyze incalculable fruits of co-curricular activities. If you myopically and in a rwa-baked manner unjudiciously judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree; it shall live all its days knowing that it is a nin-com-poop. Variety sweetens life.

(VI). Different Mannerisms:

Barometer: learners should be sons and daughters of Issachar. They should with clinical acuity and precision microscopically, surgically and relevantly interpret future conditions and events. 1st. Chronicles 12:31-32.

Handles: Jesus Christ simplified truths into edible resources to HIS audiences till today by using daily and relatable things. Ideal trainers should instill available use of resources to their learners and proteges in learning and growth personally and corporately.

Laboratories: centers for scientific experiments and solutions. Jesus Christ did not only train but exposed HIS learners into the training ground which is the planet earth. Trainers should educate, empower, equip and expose their learning into the world to transform it positively.

Lenses: learners should possess the right attitude towards situations and the future at large.

Roadmaps: give the big picture. They show the way to go. The Americans, Asians and Europeans do not get lost when globetrotting as they have maps to their destinations; upon descending from the airplanes. Jesus Christ left the Holy King James’ Bible for me and you. Education instills channels of life.

Roots: If ye believe in ME, more greater deeds and words shall ye perform and say. Loh! I am with thee till the tail end of all ages. Without ME, ye can do a lot of nothing. Deeply convicted and grounded were they into Jesus Christ to dying for HIM. Education should instill firm foundations in students.

Wings: Jesus Christ empowered HIS Disciples and subscribers into breaking HIS pristine records courtesy of John 14:12. The Chinese parents educate and advise their children into being more than them. If the parent runs a shop, the kids are advised to be gargantuan cosmic entrepreneurs; if the parent is a chauffeur, the kids are advised to be pilots. The ideal education catalyzes the learners into charting into the blue oceans and outgrowing their trainers.

Come and see: John 13:35-51;

Come and follow: Luke 5:1-11;

Come and surrender: Mark 8:34-35 and

Come and multiply: Matthew 28:19-20.

(VII). Direct Motives: the ideal education instills the: attitude for initiatives; nature and nurture of integrity; thirst for industry and source of insights to learners. Character, choices, consistency, creativity, credits and credibility should earmark learners all-round-the-clock.

Character enables us to do what is right even when it seemeth difficult. Character is who thou art in the darkness. 

Courage catalyzes into initiating, grabbing the sword of Damoscles, obliterating the Gordian knot when at the fork road;  stepping up into worthy goals.

Favour enables us to attract and empower others to rally and subscribe into our courses.

Training has been reproduced when the original trainer has no need to say more. 1st. Thessalonians 1:8.

Training involves not only words, but also demonstrations. 1st. Thessalonians 1:5.

Training is complete when the trainee(s) become(s) a trainer(s). 1st. Thessalonians 1:7-8.

Training is incarnated when the follower(s) imitate(s) the trainer(s).1st. Thessalonians 1:6.

Training is relevant when done in the midst of problems.

It is the crooked wood that proves the rad sculptor. A suave sea has never made a skillful mariner; neither do the uninterrupted storms qualify for usefulness and goods. The storms rouse the faculties; excite, entice the inventions, the skills and the fortitude of the voyager. Normality is good; regrettably, no flowers bloom and blossom there. 1st. Thessalonians 1:6.

Training is remembered when the lives of trainers support the messages. 1st. Thessalonians 1:5.

Training transforms others when the lives of trainers support messages. 1st. Thessalonians 1:5.

She trained me to train myself which is the most important thing that the ideal trainer can, does and shall do.

The ideal class is the one without the trainer.

The ideal trainer is:

The manager of the people;

The mentor of the people;

The minister to the people and

The model for the people.


By Professor and Philosopher Daniel Masese.


Reader's opinions
  1. Daniel Masese   On   July 2, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    Education is the kindling of flames not the filling to the rails of vessels.
    Education is the movement from jet blackness, darkness and gloominess into the lustrous light.
    Elimu ni bahari.
    Thamani ya mja si taji; ola ni ndimi sako kwa bako nazo tosi.

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