Written by RadioVuna on July 22, 2021
Kenya is a developing nation in terms of its infrastructure, health services, education and currency. Since independence, the country’s leadership had an aim to create an environmental reliability and sustainability. Unfortunately the poverty levels in Kenya have shot up and are continuously intimidating Kenyans creating series of occurrences associated with poor mental health.
Frustrations are becoming the order of the day for a good number of youths who have strenuously gone through the education systems and acquired qualifications in different levels but have failed to secure employment and ended up hopeless. As time moves more and more qualified students fill the streets with nowhere to be absorbed. Take a case of a mother with 6 children all solely depending on her vegetable business for a livelihood. The eldest is a graduate from a recognized university but has secured no job 6 years down the line and is now selling face masks since it’s the trending business since the onset of the covid 19 pandemic in Kenya early 2020 but either way the few coins are a drop in the ocean for their mountainous needs with the current economic uproar. Basic needs have become luxuries and luxuries are forgotten about by most Kenyans.
This mother walks home one evening only to meet his third son hanging in their small house dead the reason being he has been away from school for two terms due to lack of school fees and efforts to secure bursaries have hit a hard rock.
This is the shallow point poverty levels have driven Kenyans to. Not to forget of the mental challenges associated with depression including youths making fun of everything just to forget their actual situations. Serious situations like death and hunger, war and immorality, religion and leadership no longer carry weight since introduced so called memes make fun out of everything. It’s no longer time to smile for thee is nothing to smile about. Majority blame leadership and corruption while scholars blame lifestyle change and humanitarians blame change of time. While Kenyan politicians overlook the situation of poverty and continue to rally their aspirations, Kenyans need to open a third eye and seek solutions before things get out of hand because seemingly the poverty percentage rises yearly in a very alarming speed.