Written by on June 28, 2024


Regrettably the affluent mellifluous voice peppered with perfected to the innermost core Jamaican rhapsodies reverberating the air is no more.

Regrettably the reggae anecdotes are no more.

Regrettably the crusading incessant calls are no more.

Regrettably the thematic phrases are no more.

Regrettably the lyrical fervour capered with dyed-in-the-wool passion are no more.

Light skinned , medium in height , dreadlocked, ever beaming in smiles concealing the clandestine battle , clad in military attires punctuated with a marching headgear , aged 38 years only ; regrettably her curtains finally fall .

At 9:00 P.M. at the Nairobi Hospital on Monday, 3rd.June.2024 ; the Radio Journalist ( Metro FM and QFM ) , the MC , the Reggae Host and the Endometriosis Warrior aged 38 years only blew her last .


She was diagnosed with endometriosis at the tender age of only 13 years.

She had undergone excruciating 21 surgeries .

She is none other than Mary Njambi Koikai alias Jahmby .


Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ?


Often cloaked in the looming shadows of misunderstanding and misdiagnosis; this is a lurking debilitating gynecological condition crippling over 190 million women globally courtesy of the studies by the World’s Health Organization in 2024.

Verdant lifestyles are regrettably eroded away.

Not only is it physically painful but also emotional draining.


Its causative agents treatments and cure are regretfully under-researched and unknown.


A new song rife in hope and love is to be sung within our breath.

Its dulcet melody blends as we all put all our hands into the deck with the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD above.

Welcome to The Silent Battle , Endometriosis.


It is a chronic disease affecting 10% of the reproductive women under the sun.

Its signs and symptoms are , however not limited to severe life-impacting :

Dyschezia ( painful defecation ) ,

Dysmenorrhoea ( painful periods ) ,

Dyspareunia ( painful intercourse , during or after intercourse ) ,

Dysuria ( painful urination) ,

Intermenstrual bleeding ( painful heavy bleeding during or between periods ) ,

Chronic pelvic pain ,

Bloating ,

Nausea ,


Anxiety ,

Depression and

Difficulties in conceiving .

There is no known cure ; the treatment is tailored to controlling the debilitating symptoms.

Early diagnosis and treatment are key, however in many jurisdictions it is wanting.


Endometriosis starts at a person’s first menstrual period and lasts till menopause.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs ) , analgesics ( painkillers ) like ibuprofen and naproxen are often used to treat the pain.


Caution :

Hormonal intrauterine devices ( IUDs ) , implants , injections , patches , pills and vaginal rings are unsuitable for those wanting to conceive.

Hormonal medicines such as GnRH – analogues and contraceptives ( birth control methods ) can reduce pain.

Surgery is also employed in treating endometriosis.


The World’s Health Organization reports that Belgium , Denmark and Italy are worth emulation on investments on endometrial patients’ centeredness .

Poland has the highest reported endometrial patients.


A study conducted in 2021 in Nairobi County found a prevalence of 8.9% among a sampled 224 women undergoing laparoscopic surgery.


Some of the preventive measures are however not limited to:


  1. Eating a balanced diet.
  2. Fruits and vegetables increase one’s immunity.
  3. The fat in beef catalyses the production of prostaglandin which heralds the estrogen production which catalyzes so much production of endometrial tissue to grow.
  4. Fruits and vegetables increase one’s immunity.
  5. Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and walnuts is quite helpful.
  6. Be agile. Be active in regular exercises.
  7. Manage stress.
  8. Rest on the Sabbath Day.


Life is by the people; for the people; of the people; through the people and to the people.

If a human being lacks a sense of belonging , he or she feels insecure.

If a human being lacks a sense of competence , he or she feels inadequate.

If a human being lacks a sense of purpose, he or she feels illegitimate.

If a human being lacks a sense of worth, he or she feels inferior.

Let us keep company and support mentally , physically  , socially and spiritually those ailing from endometriosis.

  • A human being needs to become.
  • A human being needs to believe.
  • A human being needs to belong.


Endometriosis occurs when a tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.


Armed to the tooth to fight tooth and tot , we shall be able to march out audaciously and adjourn the councils of despair and usher in new light in the coal , jet black, dark and gloomy chambers of midnight and pessimism.

We shall be able to raise from the fatigue of despair and make in-roads into the buoyancy of affection , affirmation  , attention  , hope , love and magnanimity.


By Professor and Philosopher Daniel Masese.

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