Written by on July 1, 2024


The leader:

Secures his/her responses courtesy of Acts 8:36-39;

Sees his/her responsibilities courtesy of Acts 8:26;

Senses his/her revelations courtesy of Acts 8:29-30;

Shares his/her relationships courtesy of Acts 8;31-34;

Shows his/her relevance courtesy of Acts 8:35 and 

Surrenders his/her rights courtesy of Acts 8:26-28.


Beliefs lift your talents;

Character protects your talents;

Courage tests your talents;

Focus directs your talents;

Initiatives activate your talents;

Passion energizes your talents;

Perseverance sustains your talents;

Practises sharpen your talents;

Preparations position your talents;

Relationships influence your talents;

Responsibilities strengthen your talents;

Teachability expands your talents and 

Teamwork multiplies your talents.

Courtesy of the infungible Guru in Leadership, Mr.John Calvin Maxwell.


Since Thursday,12th.April.1945 when President Harry S Truman was inaugurated the United States of America’s President; factually speaking: his predecessors have had Evangelist William Franklin Billy Graham their Advisor, their Pastor.

“This man lives by the Sermon On The Mountain,” President Harry S Truman said. President Dwight David Eisenhower, a Republican, was sworn into the office on Tuesday,20th.January.1953-the 34th. President.

“Evangelist Billy is one of the best ambassadors that the USA has ever had,” President Dwight  David  Eisenhower said. “I am the ambassador of Heaven,” Evangelist Billy said.

His successor was President John Frietzgerald Kennedy, 35th. Democrat President and sworn into the Oval Office on Friday,20th.January.1961. Four days before his inauguration, he invited Evangelist Billy at Palm Beach where they spent an entire day praying for the United States of America.

Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson was the 36th. American President who was sworn into the Oval Office on Friday,22nd.November.1963. He invited Evangelist Franklin Billy William Graham Junior in excess of twenty minutes in the White House and several times in the family’s ranch. Everytime Evangelist Franklin William Billy Graham advised,”May we pray,” President Lyndon Baines Johnson knelt in the honour of the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD.

Republican Richard Milhous Nixon was the 37th. American President who was sworn into the Oval Office on Monday,20th.January.1969. President Richard said that he met Evangelist Franklin William Billy Graham Junior in the 1950s. When President Richard was hit by the Watergate scandal, he never wanted Evangelist Billy to be tarred by the scandal. He commanded his staff to never allow Evangelist Billy to come during that melee. Boy! The President protecting the Preacher’s reputation.

Republican Gerald Rudolph Ford Junior was the 38th. American President sworn into the Oval Office on Friday,9th.1974. President Gerald Rudolph Ford Junior said that the visits by Evangelist Billy to the White House were get- together of old companions: neither economical, material, political nor social benefits did they harbour.

On Thursday,20th.January.1977 was the Democrat American President James Earl Carter Junior, President Jimmy Carter, was sworn the 39th. President. He said that he met Evangelist Billy when he was the Governor of Georgia and Evangelist Billy visited him in the Governor’s mansion and made a clean breast of his impeccable character.

Republican Ronald Wilson Reagan was sworn the 40th. American President on Tuesday.20th.January.1981. He met Preacher Billy one year after tying the knot with Nancy, his better half. On the attempted assassination on President Ronald Wilson Reagan’s life on Monday,30th.March.1981; Evangelist Billy flew to the White House to pray with and console the First Lady Nancy Reagan.

Republican George Herbert Walker Bush Senior was the 41st. American President; sworn on Friday,20th.January.1989. Preacher Billy said that this was the easiest President to share with spiritual gems. On the eve of the first Gulf’s War on Thursdy,17th.January.1991; Evangelist Billy was there with President George and First Lady Barbara Bush praying for the USA; praying with them.

Democrat William Jefferson Bill Clinton was the 42nd. American President who was sworn into the White House on Monday,20th.January.1997. He met Evangelist Billy in the Little Rock Crusades when he was a humdinger of twelve years only and later on said that Evangelist Billy’s crusades harboured no segregative epithets even when segregation was at its zenith. A Democrat, a Republican had a room in the Preacher’s heart and life. Pegging on that, President William Jefferson Bill Clinton made Evangelist Franklin William Billy Graham Junior his personal Pastor.

Republican George Walker Bush Junior was sworn into the Oval Office on Saturday,20th.January.2001 being the 43rd. American Leader. He met the Evangelist long before he was the President in 1985 at Marine Beach, about North East of the USA. That was his turning point in his spiritual life and journey.

On Tueasday,20th.January.2009 was the Democrat and Lawyer Barack Hussein Obama elected the 44th. American President. President Barack Hussein Obama went a step further on Sunday,25th.April.2010 visiting the aging Evangelist Franklin William Billy Graham Junior at his own Montreat home in North Carolina; praying with him and seeking spiritual guidance.


Leaders find authencity,  authority, power and strength when their:

Character and conduct match;

Image and integrity match;

Lifestyles and lips’ services match;

Productions and promises match;

Strategies and support match and

Values and visions match.


  1. Emotions are wonderful servants, however poor leaders.
  2. Principles not emotions must reign over leaders.
  3. The head must reign over the body through the chest.
  4. While motivation gets us going, character keeps us going.
  5. Beauty catches the eyes; character catches the heart.
  6. Attention minus preparations equals self- mangle wrecks.
  7. While our gifts take us to the public glare and limelight, our character anchors our foundations.
  • “Creator of the Heaven, earth, fauna, flora, visible and the invisible: may Thou grant us that all our Principal Men and Women be Men and Women of Principles.”
  • Men and women of genius are awed upon; men and women of affluence are envied; men and women of authority, power and strength are revered; undeniably, only men and women of crackerjack character are banked on.


By Professor and Philosopher Daniel Masese.


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