Written by on June 28, 2024

Abimelech committed suicide. He is a man. Judges 9:54.

The Patriarch Samson committed suicide. He is a man. Judges 16:30.

King Saul committed suicide. He is a man.1st. Samuel 31:4.

King Saul’s armour-bearer committed suicide. He is a man. 1st. Samuel 31:5.

The misleader Ahithophel commited suicide. He is a man. 2nd. Samuel 17:23.

Zimri commited suicide. He is a man. 1st.Kings 16:18.

The Accountant and Treasurer Judas Iscariot committed suicide. He is a man.

Matthew 27:5.

The lion’s share of prisoners are men.

In peril-fraught endevours are men found.

The lion’s share of the homeless are men.

During wars, men die the most.


Recently, regrettably, the World’s Health Organization reported that depression cripples about 5% of the adults globally.

Approximately, 280 million people globally struggle with depression contributing to over 800,000 annual suicides; ranking it the fourth leading causative agent of death among the 15-29 year olds regrettably.

One person commits suicide in every one second.

One in eight people lives with a mental health condition.


In 2019, 970 million people globally were living with a mental health disorder.

71% of people suffering from psychosis do not receive mental health services.

Regrettably, only 2% is allocated to the mental health care.


Four times more are men susceptible to suicide than women.

Four people commit suicide daily in Kenya.

Out of 175 jurisdictions globally, regrettably Kenya is the fourth on suicides.

Regrettably, Kenya is the 29th. country globally on suicide mortality rates courtesy of the report by the World’s Bank.


Suicidal Behaviours: An Analysis Of Morbidity And Mortality In Kenya revealed that suicides in Kenya are carried out by the young generation bracketed 15-29 years only.

15-24 year olds are more susceptible to suicide; six in ten are ladies.

483 people committed suicide in Kenya in three months to June 2021 courtesy of the study carried out by the Directorate Of Criminal Investigations.

1,442 Kenyans were reported to have committed the crime of attempted suicide between 2015 and 2018.

421 deaths by suicide were reported in Kenya in 2018.

23 million children and adolescents were struggling with depression globally in 2019.

Kenya is the fifth country globally in depression thanks to study by the World’s Health Organization.

One in every five Kenyans suffers from depression.


The 2011 Kenyan National Commission On Humans’ Rights showed that 25% of outpatients and 40% of inpatients attending health facilities suffered from mental illnesses.

One out of four Kenyans seeks health care with a mental health condition and depression is the most common.

There are only 19 Psychiatric Units in Kenya.

There are only 116 Psychiatrists in Kenya.

There are only 500 registered ® Psychiatrists Nurses in the Republic of Kenya.

Only Kshs. 12 billion is required annually for the mental health care.

75% of Kenyans are unable to access mental health care despite its aftertastes.

Common mental health ailments reported in Kenya are however not limited to:

addiction,bipolar, compassion fatigue, depression, drugs and substances’ abuse, Schizophrenia and other psychoses and suicide.

Credits : The Kenyan National Commission On Humans’ Rights and the World’s Bank.


600,000 men commit suicide annually ; 58,000 men commit suicide in every moon; 14,000 men commit suicide every week; 2,000 men commit suicide daily ; 86 men commit suicide every one hour and two men commit suicide after every one minute.

Regrettably 80% of suicides are by men.



(1). Dearth: dearth means bereft of, inadequacy and limitations. Chronic hunger affecting over 735 million people in 2022.

224 million dropping out of school in 2021 caused depression.

1.8 million, 5.9 million, 10.5 million and 20.2 million are children who dropped out of school featuring:Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Nigeria respectively.

(2). Death: when the big cheese, the bread winner dies, beneficiaries are left wallowing in quagmires.Men’s mothers when they die, undeniably men are left in an abyss.

(3). Debts: Dr. Fredrick Muoki Wambua committed a permanent solution on a temporarily premised in 2023 aged 23 years only due to skysnogging debts and not being absorbed in the medical field despite higher proficiencies. Seven medical practitioners have committed suicide in the past ten years due to not being absorbed in the medical arena.


In 1831 aged 22 years only:he failed miserably in business.

In 1832 aged 23 years only: he was defeated for Legislation.

In 1833 aged 24 years only: he failed in business terribly.

In 1835 aged 26 years only: his sweetheart’s curtains finally came down.

In 1836 aged 27 years only:he had a nervous breakdown.

In 1838 aged 29 years only: he was defeated for Elector.

In 1843 aged 34 years only: he was defeated for Congress.

In 1848 aged 39 years only: he was defeated in re-election.

In 1855 aged 46 years only:he was defeated for Senate.

In 1856  aged 47 years only:he was defeated for Vice President.

In 1858 aged 49 years only:he was defeated for Senate.

In 1860 aged 51 years only: he was democratically and successfully elected the 16th. American President. A man is not finished when he is defeated;a man is finished when he quits. Winners never quit; quitters never win. End means: efforts never die. Fail means: first attempts in learning.

Undeniably: there will be incalculable masses to celebrate ecstatically  your triumphs; regrettably in your defeats, you shall be an orphan, a waif shall you be.

Whenever promotions bypasses men; academic and social water loos inundate them; they are left in depression.

He is President Abraham Lincoln.

(5). Defects: mental, physical, psychological, social and spiritual defects mar men’s mental stability. It is the crooked wood that proves the rad sculptor.

(6). Delays: delayed child bearing, job absorption and fulfillments tar men’s mental well-being.

By the time we’ve reached the w of now, the n is ancient history.

(7). Demands: targets set, societal and social pressure affect men’s mental stability.

When stress is introduced into a system, the system adjusts to oppose the stress so as to reach equilibrium.

(8). Despair: aged 96 years only, on her deathbed on Thursday,8th.September.2022; Queen Elizabeth bit her fingers,”I would give my entire kingdom to just live a single day!”

(9). Differences: over 2,000 Indians comprising of Hindus and Muslims died in 1992 as they were fighting over a brick and mortar structure, a masjid, a mosque. Over one million Hutus and Tutsis died between 1992-1996 due to political and social subscriptions.

We are all interwoven in that great web of humanity and the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD holds me and you accountable and responsible for the influence that we exert upon one another.

(10). Dirt:dirt causes diseases which deplete men emotionally, financially and socially.

(11). Disappointments: love triangles, promiscuity and retrenchments affect men.

(12). Diseases: ailments drain finances, create gaps and affect men.

(13). Distance: jobs transfers, social and spiritual rifts affect men.

(14).Doubts: uncertainties in the future and job security affect men.



  • Daringness: audacity is the price that love grants for peace. Wisely and intrepidly should men deal with the impediments belaying their successes.
  • Decisiveness:the Best Worst Analysis should be utilized:
  • What is the best outcome of my actions or speech?
  • What is the worst outcome of my actions/speech?
  • What best would not happen due to my inaction?
  • What worst would not happen due to my inaction/silence?
  • Dedication: give your all. Determination determines destiny. By perseverance, the snail reached the ark. The turtle never gets ahead unless and until it gets its head and neck outside.
  • Dependence: no matter how skyrocketing you are, you cannot see tomorrow. Depend on GOD. Proverbs 3:5-10.
  • John 15:5. If you pride in your beauty or handsomeness, does it not dawn on you that herds of hippopotamuses, herds of warthogs, mobs of gorillas, parliament of owls and tribes of monkeys attract tourists from all the cardinal points. No matter how light-skinned you are, a torch is the prerequisite tool in the coal pitch, jet black and gloomy room. No matter how affluent you are, 6 pallbearers shall carry you to the grave. Be humble. Respect others.Speak up.Every sun must set. Totally enjoy the benefits of the Sabbath Day. Isaiah 58:13-14.
  • Desires: have dyed-in-the-wool aspiration for the best.
  • Directional: do not be a general general; be the specific general. Do not suffer from the Messianic Syndrome. Say no and mean it. To be everywhere is to be nowhere.
  • Dreams: possess and pay the price for your visions.
  • Drives: zeal minus knowledge is a runaway stallion. A task minus a vision equal a drudgery; a vision minus a task equals a far fetched pipedream and a task plus a vision equals victory.
  • By Professor and Philosopher Daniel Masese.

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