By Samwel Mose

Scheduled on

Sunday 3:00 pm 7:00 pm


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This program majorly entails the good past days.

This program majorly entails the good past days whereby we bring on board the personalities who started the gospel in terms of preaching and gospel singers who excelled in terms of recalling the people who made it possible to the current generation in accepting the gospel of God.
Here we feature retired ministers of the gospel from all denominations across the Kisii region and beyond, we play the old songs like the prison choir,aic makongoro,Arusha mjini, nyaguta songs and many other songs that shaped up in the gospel music industry up to date.
We also bring the audience( mashabiki) onboard whereby they come to our studio and engage with them about their experience in radio and how they started to become ardent listeners and the benefits they have achieved so far.
Thanks, feel welcome and tune to radio vuna 102.0 FM tosesenigwe kera engaki everyday we cant let you down.

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