Written by on August 24, 2020

After the airing of the story of seven orphans from Gakero,Bomachoge Chache Kisii county who were going through hard moments after denial to rip of their late father’s inheritance at last there is light at the end of the tunnel. Several well-wishers have come on board to help and ensure the family secures a comfortable place to reside.

The latest to help is Mr. Steve Areba who also happens to be the Director of Radio Vuna. Mr. Areba on his side has donated a metallic door to the family. The management of Radio Vuna has since the inception of the story stood with the family and has set up a full house for them.

The family of the late Jared Kebane alias “Mbombo” has been going through moments of duress after the passing on of their father back in 2014.  The extended family chased away the mother and her seven children with an intention to divide among themselves the small piece of land the late had inherited from his father.

According to their mother, Mary Kerubo, she opted to walk out of the family to seek peace elsewhere to help bring up her young family. While away the in-laws decided to bring down their houses and share the piece of land. Upon receiving the deploring information she opted to reach out to authorities for justice. Through the corridors of justice, justice seemed unjust. She lost hope.

Radio Vuna fans came in full support and put their hands together to see the family settled and peaceful once again.

Monday,24 the family will be issued with keys from Radio Vuna management and other well-wishers.

Reader's opinions
  1. PETHUEL MACHINI   On   August 24, 2020 at 7:27 pm

    Awwww. This is a great work Radio VUNA, keep helping and God will add you more. Blessed is the hand that giveth than the one that receiveth.

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