Repreive For Journalism Students As MCK Launches Indusrial Placement Programme.

Written by on September 16, 2021

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has launched the Industrial Placement Programme for journalism students in Kenya, a move that will expose them to experience and enable them to perform better in the real media work while some can even start their own media enterprises.

The Media Council CEO David Omwoyo noted of the many young people in Kenya who are unable to access internships to enable them gain industry experience. “We have a major internship crisis in this country and this calls for concerted efforts by all stakeholders”.

He further urged media houses to take up the journalism students adding that the Council will facilitate their placements. “It is not fair for a student to pay school fees and then being asked to pay for an internship to gain industry experience”.

Echoing the CEO’s sentiments on the internship crisis Victor Bwire MCK Director for Media Training and Development called for measures to address the rife internship crisis in Kenya.

‘We must unclog this capacity development challenge where students complete their course work but are unable to graduate due to lack of internship. We will create linkages between industry and academy to allow industries and academy to adapt competency-based training,’ he said.

On his part the ICT CS Joe Mucheru urged journalists to remain impartial in their operations noting that “the media is a key pillar that should hold others accountable, not because you have an agenda you are trying to achieve, but because you have a higher calling to be the voice of the people.

The CS also acknowledged the challenges young people face in accessing jobs after graduating from college due to lack of skills to undertake competent media work. ” There is need for skilling our journalism graduates with requisite industry skills”.

He also reaffirmed the Government full support to the Programme and appealed to other media outlets and development partners to support it saying it will ultimately contribute to availability of opportunities for millions of Journalism Graduates.

The programme is set to benefit 400 trainees in cohorts of 100 per quarter throughout the country. The Council will place the first call for applications on September 24th,2021 with the first batch expected to join between October 24th and November 1st this year 2021.

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