Written by Daniel Masese on July 11, 2024
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi.
A spiritual leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.. John Calvin Maxwell.
Spiritual leaders are not elected, appointed, or created by synods or church assemblies. God alone makes them. Oswald Chambers.
Spiritual leadership is about influencing others to accomplish God’s purposes. Henry Blackaby.
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. John Calvin Maxwell.
Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge. Simon Sinek.
Natural leaders are not born, they are made. They are made just like anything else, through hard work. Vince Lombardi.
The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership. Harvey Samuel Firestone.
Natural leaders are chosen by the group; spiritual leaders choose themselves. Amit Ray.
Natural leaders gain authority through their position; spiritual leaders gain position through their authority. John Calvin Maxwell.
A natural leader seeks power; a spiritual leader seeks to empower.
Natural leaders focus on results; spiritual leaders focus on the development of people. John Calvin Maxwell.
A lion may be strong, but a wolf doesn’t perform in the circus.
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends. Japanese proverb.
In order to fulfill the mental, physical, social and spiritual endevours featuring him and his nuclear family’s subscribers; he hunted, gathered, dried and sold organic manure. One day day in the horrid, scorching and sweltering summer’s heat, he was really dog exhausted and famished. He sighted a long-in-the-tooth, smoky, grass-thatched and rickety grounded hamlet that a whistle was more than enough to bring it to a cropper like a shebang erected on packs of card. Courteously he made a rat-a-tat and the dimpled ineffable bombshell ushered him in giving him a glass of milk yet he had requested for a cup of water. Due to her sticking to her guns, he obliged and thanked her wanting to know how to appreciate her but she told him that she does all to the glory of GOD.
A lady was in a comatose and brought into the hospital. She went through the ICU, HDU and the general ward and by the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD’S grace recovered. Money was needed to release her. The General Manager was called and saw the lady and vividly recollected her admission and now her release belayed by financial muscles. He came with a written letter sealed in an envelope. She was too afraid to open it and see her bill that costs an arm and a leg. She gathered courage and opened. Good Heavens! Incredible! The total bill had two strokes of blue Bic writing pen cancelling it saying,”Paid By A Glass Of Milk!” He is none other than the ineffable Doctor Howard Kelly.
- A natural leader is ambitious.
- A spiritual leader is self-sacrificing.
- Matthew 20:25-28 and Luke 9:23.
- A natural leader is a cowboy driving the flocks, gaggles and herds.
- A spiritual leader is a shepherd leading the flocks.
- 1st. Peter 5:2-3.
- A natural leader enjoys commanding others.
- A spiritual leader is a servant to all.
- Mark 10:42-45.
- A natural leader gets power via personality.
- A spiritual leader is empowered by the Holy Ghost.
- Isaiah 53:1-10.
- Acts 1:8.
- A natural leader is independent.
- A spiritual leader is GODLY dependent.
- Joshua 1:8-9.
- Proverbs 3:5-10.
- Isaiah 42:1.
- John 15:5.
- A natural leader knows men and women.
- A spiritual leader knows the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD.
- John 10:14.
- Revelation 22:12.
- A natural leader maketh self independent choices.
- A spiritual leader seeks the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD’S directions.
- Romans 12:1-2.
- Ephesians 5:17.
- A natural leader is motivated by selfish ambitions and personal drives.
- A spiritual leader is motivated by the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD’S love, animals, birds, plants, atmosphere, water bodies and their elements, the visible and invisible creation and the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD. 1st. John 4:7-21.
A natural leader originates own ideas and methodologies.
A spiritual leader finds, hunts and gathers the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD’S methods.
Psalms 40:8.
Psalms 143:10.
A natural leader is self-confident.
A spiritual leader is confident in the ALMIGHTY LORD GOD.
Psalms 56:9.
Psalms 118:6.
Character: do you pay the highest premium on your self-image or integrity?
Choices: do you make choices pegged on your benefits?
Consistency: are you the same person in autumn, spring, summer and winter?
Credit: are you more quicker than lightning to recognize others’ efforts for the successes that you are enjoying?
Romans 16:1-16.
Credibility: has it dawned upon thee that credibility is a triumph and not a gift?
In the print media outlets, it was reported that his curtains had finally come down. Upon extensive and intensive research, it dawned on them that it was his brother not him who had given up the ghost. He made a covenant, declaration and vow. “All my GODLY endowed, bestowed and leased affluence; may it be prudently and wisely be utilized to appreciate individuals and organizations whose word and acts better the lives of fauna, flora, planet earth and the entire ecosystem. Annually on the tenth of December at Oslo in Norway, individuals and organizations are meticulously feted in the most infungible global appreciation. The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates. The youngest Nobel Peace Prize Laureate is the intrepid Malala Yousafzai. She was feted aged seventeen years only. He is the Swedish Inventor, Investor, Magnate, Philanthropist and Polyglot Doctor Alfred Bernhard Nobel. He is the mastermind of the Nobel Peace Prize Foundation.
One hundred and eighty affluent, ineffable, refreshing to the body; nourishing the soul and invigorating to the heart and spirit libraries of books did the ne plus ultra Blue Stocking, Bombshell and erudite Mastermind Ellen Gould Harmon White gift the world.
Natural leaders command respect; spiritual leaders inspire reverence.
A natural leader charts the course; a spiritual leader navigates the soul.
Natural leaders build empires; spiritual leaders build legacies.
A natural leader leads from the front; a spiritual leader leads from within.
Natural leaders seek followers; spiritual leaders create leaders.
A lion leads the pack; an eagle leads the sky.
A river carves through rock not with power, but with persistence.
Natural leaders conquer territories; spiritual leaders conquer hearts. Natural leaders are the stars, guiding by their light; spiritual leaders are like the sun, illuminating the world.
Natural leaders are the architects of buildings; spiritual leaders are the architects of souls.
Natural leaders are like arrows, aimed for targets; spiritual leaders are like wind, guiding their course.
Natural leaders rise with the tide; spiritual leaders rise with the dawn. Natural leaders rise to power; spiritual leaders rise to grace.
- Natural leaders rise through strength; spiritual leaders rise through service.
Natural leaders might be symbolized by a crown or a sword, representing authority and power. Spiritual leaders might be symbolized by a dove or a flame, symbolizing enlightenment, ambience, calmness, coolness, composure, collectedness, dexterity, ecstacy, exuberance, fantabulousness, serenity and tranquility.
By Professor and Philosopher Daniel Masese.