Kisii County Assembly Chambers on fire

Written by on September 4, 2020

A fire outbreak was witnessed at the Kisii county assembly chambers this afternoon. The cause of the fire is yet to be established. According to the Kisii County Assembly speaker the fire broke out at around 11 and the cause by the cause is not known.

” We have had a fire in this assembly. I have just gone inside, the whole assembly chambers are burning down to the ground, I don’t know who caused it, I don’t know what caused it. Am informed by those who were here that electricity was not there since morning but when it came that is when the fire might have started,” said the assembly speaker.

The speaker called out to relevant authorities to expedite investigations and do a forensic inquiry into what might have caused the fire. He said that as the county assembly they had lost millions of money to the fire.

“It’s a wrong time when we have COVID-19 when we need to discuss serious matters regarding COVID-19  for the sake of our people. Let’s wait and see what will exactly come out when experts will come in,” said the speaker.

On his part, Governor James Ongwae on his arrival at the assembly offices said that the county fire response emergency team managed to counter the fire in time and thus, reduced its effect.

“The county emergency team was informed and arrived in three minutes and in ten or so minutes the fire had been contained. The office of the speaker and my office were not affected by the fire in any way, it’s only the chamber seats which were burnt. There was no paper-work in the assembly,“ said Governor Ongwae.

According to Ongwae the officers from the fire response have done a recommendable job for being on time and put out the fire. Governor Ongwae closed the chambers indefinitely pending investigations by expertise.

“ No injury has been reported, we just walked in and what from what have seen I can say that the chambers are completely damaged but we are going to launch investigations very soon and I have already ordered the place to be completely sealed off,” Governor James Ongwae.

The county assembly chambers shall remain under lock for a while till the expert advisory and investigations are done.

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