DILEMA ON LISTners as sakaja and igathe face off each other.
Written by munika remjuice on July 12, 2022
There was a great dilemma on the listeners’ side as the two gubernatorial aspirants faced each other in the debate, which happened at the catholic university of east Africa on the 11th of July.The moderators were Zubeida Koome,a KTNs journalist and NTVs Mark Masai.
The second tier of the Nairobi gubernatorial debate was expected to take place from 8 PM. Polycarp Igathe was in on time,15 minutes past 7b but his main competitor Johnson Sakaja arrived late after 20 minutes and found the debate underway. Despite the fact that Sakaja arrived late, he never apologized which left many listeners in dilemma. He however continued with the debate and argued that he allowed the debate to begin with Igathe alone because he likes being given the first priority, a response that ignited emotions in his opponent after the audience broke into laughter.
Igathe never hesitated in attacking Sakaja when he got the chance.”Ukosefu Wa nidhamu ni tabia ya watu hawajamaliza shule! (Indiscipline is common among school dropouts). This made Sakaja explain deeply and justify that he had a valid degree to the audience.
Sakaja never hesitated to reply back, “Igathe ran away from the mandate given to him by Kenyans; if you cannot withstand the heat of a deputy governor, you can’t run Nairobi City County. This city needs resilience. You need to be tough.” The attacks against each other were brought to an end by the moderators and asked them to have a peaceful debate focusing on their agenda.
The aspirants are looking forward to replacing Ann Kananu the seating governor who is not on the ballot. Polycarp Igathe who was the former deputy governor of the great county argued and gave reasons as to why he decided to quit as the Nairobi county deputy governor.
“I did not quit on Nairobi people but I could not sit around reading newspapers and earning a free salary without working. Ladies and gentlemen, I come to seek a fresh mandate. Kindly select me,” Igathe reacted.
Sakaja’s qualifications issue came up again but Igathe said he was ready to meet him at the ballot, “We want Sakaja on the ballot so that we can beat him early in the morning. People want a leader who gets the job done and that is what I and my running mate Professor Philip Kaloki are here to do,” he said.
Sakaja reacted to Igathes’ statement and said that despite his opponent claiming that he wants him on the ballot, his team, as well as the government does not, want him on the ballot.“I am glad he said he wants me on the ballot but many of his benefactors do not want me on the ballot. This issue is before the court. Opinion polls have shown I am leading and I will back that on the ballot,” said Mr. Sakaja.
Igathe the aspirant said he will bring in a servant leadership style that puts the people at the forefront of service delivery, “Water is a governance problem a technical and planning problem. We will take care of Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company.” He also told the media: “Nairobi is the front porch of Kenya and it needs our best.”
On Sakajas part,he majorly focused on the common citizen having basic needs like food and ensuring that the corrupted guys do not get a chance in his government. The next debate will be the deputy presidential debate which will take place on the 19th of July brought to you by 100 strong journalists from various media houses.