
Friday, 2nd.August.2024. The Is Of The Internet: The Internet is a mirror: it shows me and you how exactly we are. The Internet is a berth where you can find anything you want as long as you do not know what you are looking for. The Internet is a jetty where anything is possible as […]

Thursday,18th.July.2024. The Sagacity: In the tapestry of global commerce, certain threads shimmer with a unique luster—the legacy of family-owned enterprises. These dynasties of entrepreneurship not only endure the relentless march of time but thrive amidst its challenges, casting shadows that stretch across industries and continents alike. From the storied cobblestones of Europe’s artisanal workshops to […]

The conviction of an assassination attempt on a former president is bound to evoke a range of emotions and perceptions among the public. The recent incident involving former President Donald Trump has been no exception, stirring a complex blend of fear, disbelief, and intense inspection. For the average citizen, this incident has triggered a range […]

Monday,15th.July.2024. The Shorter The Cookie, The More Dulcet The Cookie: Like an evergreen that lingers beyond seasons, does one’s presence on the stage endure? Does the rose, refusing to wilt, teach and train us the art of staying relevant? As the oak stands rooted, does the performer find strength in persistence? Does the lioness, commanding […]

Friday,12th.July.2024. The Top, The Topic: This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative Government. Location: 10 Downing Street. Delivered on: Friday,07th.June.2019.  This Is The Transcript Of The Speech; exactly as it was delivered. “I am about to go to Buckingham Palace to tender my resignation to Her Majesty the Queen and to advise […]

In a world where diverse cultures and beliefs coexist, religious violence remains a persistent and troubling issue. This form of violence, often rooted in deep-seated prejudices and historical conflicts, has severe consequences for societies worldwide. From individual acts of hate to organized campaigns of terror, violence based on religion or belief disrupts social harmony and […]

Surveillance has become an omnipresent aspect of our daily lives. From CCTV cameras in public spaces to online tracking mechanisms, the scope and reach of surveillance technologies have expanded dramatically. While these technologies are often justified as necessary for security and public safety, they also raise significant concerns about privacy and civil liberties. Surveillance can […]

Monday,8th.July.2024. The first stage in abuse of authority, power and strength is the  Surprise  Stage: I alone amass incalculably these. The second stage in the abuse of authority, power and strength is the Self Esteem Stage: I alone need these. The third stage in the abuse of authority and strength is the Satisfaction Stage: I […]

Air conditioning, once considered a luxury, has become an indispensable part of modern life. Its utility extends far beyond merely cooling a space; it significantly impacts health, productivity, and overall quality of life. From homes and offices to hospitals and transportation systems, air conditioning plays a crucial role in maintaining comfortable and safe environments. One […]

Wednesday,3rd.July.2024. “Oh! Creator of Heaven, earth, fauna, flora, the visible and the invisible: May Thou grant me the serenity and the tranquility of the mind to accept lock, stock and barrel that which I cannot change capered with that which cannot be changed; the intrepidity to change that which I can change punctuated by that […]

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