As another school year begins, many parents will once again find themselves scrambling to complete necessary tasks at the last minute. From buying school supplies to scheduling medical appointments, the back-to-school rush can be stressful and costly. However, parents who wait until the last minute to get everything done should take a lesson from this […]
In a world brimming with noise, the art of listening often goes undervalued. Yet, its essence lies at the core of successful communication, relationships, and personal growth. Listening is not merely hearing words; it is an active process that involves understanding, interpreting, and responding. This skill, though seemingly simple, can transform lives and careers. Effective […]
The construction industry remains one of the most male-dominated sectors globally. Women are significantly underrepresented, constituting only about 10% of the workforce in many developed countries and even less in others. This inequality stems from several interwoven factors including cultural stereotypes, lack of role models, insufficient training opportunities, and workplace conditions. Cultural stereotypes play a […]
President William Ruto picked only 12 women, to be part of his 51-member Principal Secretary (PS) list. During the campaign period, Dr. Ruto promised that women would play a key role in his administration. 12 lucky women in Dr Ruto’s PS list are: Teresia Mbaika Malokwe (Devolution). Esther Ngero (Performance and Delivery management). Aurelia Rono […]
Okoigorwa gwechinyagetari chinke nigo kwaireire ogokea kwogoichorerana kwabarwaire ase chinyagetari chinene buna eri ya Kenyatta National Hospital egati yechinde.Namangana yomorai bwense omosike Uhuru Kenyatta. Omorai bwense nigo ayakwanA aywo rituko ria i9juma chitariki 18 , chingaki aigorete boikeranu enyagetari yabana ya Mama Margret Kenyatta ase esemo ya Kariobangi ime yomochie o Nairobi. Uhuru nigo atebire […]
September is suicide awareness month as from the 5th to 11th. Suicide is when people harm themselves with the goal of ending their life, and they die as a result. Suicide is most often the result of profound pain, fear and despair; it is the trump of pain, fear and loss over hope [Bertolote, 2000]. […]
supreme court could be the next option but would its judges jeopardize the efforts of the other courts
“Remember Jubilee party is dead and part of its run by ODM whereas the other is swelled by UDA.President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy have parted ways and some of the big 4 agendas stuck in a swamp.
“Implementation of physical education and sports policy will enhance in promoting of realization of national goals in the education sector,
It was on 31 August, 2004 at the age of 93 that Ester Nzakwa Kitivo died but her journey to rest was halted due to protracted legal tussles over….