Written by Daniel Masese on July 11, 2024
Romans 12:12.
The wrong vision at the wrong time equals disaster.
The wrong vision at the right time equals mistakes.
The right vision at the wrong time equals goof.
The right vision at the right time equals success.
He stemmed from a humble background his father incessantly wet blanketing him that all-round-the-clock that there is nothing that he shall bequeath from him upon his curtains finally coming down.
One day he met a long in the tooth man and after greetings he narrated to him how his father wet blankets him that he will not inherit anything from him upon his last breath under the sun as he possesses nothing. He asked him his GOD-endowed abilities, capabilities, gifts, talents and treasures resident in him. He answered him that he is gifted in producing bars of soap. He encouraged him to egg on and GOD willing, him or another person shall be the most greatest producer of bars of soap globally. He practised delayed gratification growing by leaps and bounds from a roadside itinerant trader, a makeshift shop trader, a supermarket trader, a wholesale trader to an owner of a company which he turned it from producing bars of soap and detergents to making toothpaste. Upon balancing his books, he dished out more than ten percent in tithes. That is the secret resident in his success and growth.
His GODLY blessed resources catapulted the growth and propelling of the Seventh Day Adventists’ Church. Whenever clients make inroads into business berths, instead of requesting for toothpaste, they name his trademark. Me and you use it in oral hygiene. He is the Seventh Day Adventist Church’s subscriber Mr. William Colgate. Colgate Palmolive is his company and Colgate is his name. The prophecy came to pass: Colgate toothpaste is available under the sun.
Activities Are Achievements.
King David killed a lion single-handedly.
His men killed a lion single-handedly. 1st. Chronicles 11:22.
King David risked his life and went out of his way.
His men risked their lives and went out of their way.
1st. Chronicles 11:18.
King David slew a giant.
His men slew a giant.
1st. Chronicles 11:23.
King David slew many enemies.
King David’s men slew many enemies.
1st. Chronicles 11:11.
King David took a stand against the Philistines.
King David’s men took a stand against Philistines.
1st. Chronicles 11:14.
King David was loyal and submissive to the despot Saul.
King David’s men were submissive and loyal to King David.
1st. Chronicles 11:10.
Human economy hinges on improving wealth and the status of the leader.
GOD’S economy pegs on improving the wealth and the status of the people.
Human economy’s motive is to expunge all enemies and obliterate opposition.
GOD’S economy’s motive is to meet people’s mental, physical, social and spiritual needs.
Human economy’s pursuit hinges on power and prestige.
GOD’S economy’s pursuit is love and services to others.
Human economy’s result is amplification, glorification and magnification of the leader.
GOD’S economy’s result is GOD being amplified, glorified and magnified.
Human economy sees others as competitors and enemies.
GOD’S economy sees others being brothers and sisters.
2nd. Chronicles 22:1-9.
Inheritance eventually depletes as it is utilized.
Legacy lives on even when the giver finally brings his or her curtains down.
Inheritance is something tangible you bestow and endow upon others.
Legacy is something tangible that you plant in others.
Inheritance temporarily bringeth ecstasy and exuberance.
Legacy indelibly transforms them.
Inheritance: your activities may or may not pay off.
Legacy: thy activities become indelible.
Psalms 49:12-17.
By Professor and Philosopher Daniel Masese.